
What is Sculptra?

After age 20, you lose about 1% of collagen per year. Sculptra is the first and original FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) facial injectable that targets fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging due to collagen loss. Sculptra works by gradually helping restore skin structure and volume. Sculptra works to increase the skin’s volume, but not in the same way a filler works. Instead, Sculptra contains a compound called poly-L-lactic acid. This substance is able to naturally boost collagen production in your body. In doing so, you get a subtle boost in volume that happens over time. It stimulates collagen from the inside out. Sculptra regenerates one’s own tissue regrowth, meaning it’s bioregenerative.

On average, a series of three treatment sessions spaced out 6 weeks apart is needed. The general rule of thumb for Sculptra is one vial per decade of life. If you are in your 60’s, you will most likely need 6 vials. The number of vials at each session will vary, depending on the degree of correction needed. Since Sculptra triggers your body to build its own collagen, results are not immediate and can take anywhere from 4-6 months.

Technically, there is no actual downtime and takes less than an hour to perform

$700 per vial